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theatre dybbuk's The Art of Collaborative Leadership

The Art of Collaborative Leadership is theatre dybbuk's professional development training for corporate and non-profit team members, leaders, and boards. We work with organizations to help participants develop their communication skills while learning new techniques for effective collaboration.

Most of the workshops listed below are also available in an online format.

Our leadership workshops can also be adapted for students at the college level.


Strategic Thinking and Collaborative Visioning

Our facilitators take participants through a step-by-step process, enabling them to see how best to encourage productive brainstorming that results in tangible outcomes. All attendees engage with structures and techniques designed to facilitate inclusive conversations and to build consensus in efficient ways. Individuals come together around their organizations' missions and community's needs to collaboratively imagine programs, initiatives, and other partnership opportunities that speak to their shared goals.

Key takeaways:

  • new initiatives, programs, and/or events that speak to your own personal skills aligned with the passions of others in the local and national communities

  • envisioning collaboration as an opportunity to look for points of intersection, even among seemingly disconnected elements

  • tools for empathetic listening and productive conversation

  • techniques for facilitating productive planning sessions for boards and staff members

Prioritization and Goal Setting

We guide all who attend through a process in which they identify their goals and imagine the specific steps needed to reach them. By the end of the session, attendees will have received tools, tips, and guidelines for crafting a year that aligns with their priorities.

Key takeaways:

  • a deeper understanding of how to navigate personal and professional priorities

  • techniques to identify necessary commitments and manage expectations

  • tools for developing an approach to scheduling which aligns with one's goals

Leadership and the Art of Storytelling

In this session, all participants identify and develop their own unique narratives, aligning their personal stories with the impact they wish to make. Participants are then encouraged to share these narratives with the group, at which point they receive structured feedback meant to to help the storytellers understand the ways in which their narratives may be most useful.

Key takeaways:

  • methods for effective personal and organizational storytelling

  • public speaking skills and techniques

  • models for giving mindful feedback

  • a deeper understanding of the ways in which vulnerability can align with leadership

Effective Advocacy and Mindful Communication

How do we convey important information in a clear, concise, and compelling manner? In this workshop, attendees will learn techniques for crafting communications that not only capture the essence of an idea but also serve to help them reach goals with specific constituents in mind. In addition, all who take part will have a chance to learn from and with fellow members of the cohort.

Key takeaways:

  • a constituent-focused pitch of your personal and/or organizational mission

  • techniques for getting to the heart of any story or mission quickly and clearly

  • public speaking skills and techniques

  • models for giving mindful feedback

Four Personalities - Tools for Self-Reflection

In this session, we investigate our own communication strategies and get to know our areas of strength and opportunities for growth. Using four entry points, we think about where we show up most effectively and explore how we might heighten our awareness of how we interact with others.

Key takeaways:

  • increased understanding of one's own strategies for communication

  • tools for collaboration and partnership

  • models for feedback and productive conversation

  • techniques for impactful facilitation

We can also create a custom workshop tailored to your organization's needs. 


Our expert team is available for one-on-one coaching and consultations for your communication and leadership needs.

To bring The Art of Collaborative Leadership to your organization or to inquire about consultation services, please contact us at or by phone at 424-298-0894.

Past and current partners include: Jewish Federations of North America; Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion; The Wexner Foundation, The Oakwood School, The Bronfman Fellowship; JPRO; Hillel International, Social Venture Partners Tucson; and JCC Global.

P.O. Box 292576 • Los Angeles, CA 90029 • USA

theatre dybbuk is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization

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