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The Dybbukast, Season 1, Episode 1: I-Tell-You

Season 1, Episode 1

This first episode, presented in collaboration with Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR), features selections from a children's play found in I-Tell-You, a 1926 religious school journal from Congregation Rodeph Shalom in Philadelphia. The episode also includes essays from the publication written by both students and clergy.

Dr. Miriam Heller Stern, National Director, School of Education and Associate Professor of HUC-JIR, helps us unpack the journal’s meaning and what it has to say about education, assimilation, cultural expression of identity, and the complications of community.

Read the transcript for "I-Tell-You"


Hosted by Aaron Henne

Scholarship provided by Miriam Heller Stern, PhD

Edited by Mark McClain Wilson

Story editing by Aaron Henne with Julie A. Lockhart

Featuring the voices of Perry Daniel, Joe Jordan, Julie A. Lockhart, Clay Steakley, Diana Tanaka, Jonathan C.K. Williams, and Mark McClain Wilson

Theme music composed by Michael Skloff and produced by Sam K.S.

Transcription by Dylan Southard​

"I-Tell-You" Learning Resources

Learn more about:

• Find Jonathan Sarna’s American Judaism: A History, referenced in the episode

Selections from the 1926 journal, I-Tell-You:

Exercises For Educators:

Watch with captions on YouTube:

Also From Our Artists

Living Lights

Once you’ve listened to The Little Hasmoneans in “I-Tell-You,” we invite you to enjoy another theatrical interpretation of the Hanukkah story from theatre dybbuk artist Leslie K. Gray. Leslie’s Living Lights – which she created, designed, and directed for her company Triumvirate Pi Theatre – is an all ages shadow puppet production set to music without dialogue. You can see clips of its 2011 presentation at the Skirball Cultural Center in the video below.



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Hebrew Union College is North America’s premier institution of Jewish higher education and the center for professional leadership development of Reform Judaism.

HUC-JIR’s School of Education is at the vanguard of progressive Jewish educator preparation, guided by rigorous research and field-shaping thought leadership.

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