Season 2, Episode 3
In this episode, presented in collaboration with the Australian Centre for Jewish Civilisation, Monash University, we investigate Sing This at My Funeral: A Memoir of Fathers and Sons, written by David Slucki and published in 2019. The title of the book references "Di Shvue" – the anthem of the Jewish Labor Bund. Dr. Slucki, the Loti Smorgon Associate Professor in Contemporary Jewish Life and Culture at Monash University, shares with us about his family’s history with the Bund and discusses the ways in which that history speaks to a variety of cultural and societal considerations in Australia and beyond.
Read the transcript for "Sing This at My Funeral."
Hosted by Aaron Henne
Scholarship provided by David Slucki, PhD
Edited by Gregory Scharpen
Story editing by Clay Steakley with Aaron Henne and Julie A. Lockhart
Featuring the voice of Damian Walshe-Howling
Theme music composed by Michael Skloff and produced by Sam K.S.
Transcription by Dylan Southard
"Sing This at My Funeral" Learning Resources
Learn more about:
Sing This at My Funeral: A Memoir of Fathers and Sons by David Slucki
The International Jewish Labor Bund after 1945: Toward a Global History by David Slucki
Also referenced in the episode:
Jewish Labour Bund in Melbourne
Sotsyalistisher Kinder Farband (SKIF)
Recording of Di Shvue
Exercises For Educators:
"Sing This at My Funeral" for Youth Learners (PDF)
"Sing This at My Funeral" for Adult and Teen Learners (PDF)
Watch with captions on YouTube: