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The Villainy You Teach



Sunday, November 17, 2-4:30 pm at the Museum of Jewish Montreal

This presentation is part of our residency in Montreal.

​Admission is free, but registration in advance is appreciated.​​


The character of Shylock in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice has long been a source of debate. Some have argued that his is an antisemitic portrait with long-lasting effects on the perception of Jews in our world, while others have stated that the character is a nuanced portrayal that, especially given the time and place of his creation, is empathetic to his plight. Often, at the center of this debate is found a speech in which Shylock proclaims his humanity while defending his vengeful desires.


In The Villainy You Teach, theatre dybbuk explodes this famous speech and, through the use of heightened theatricality and repetition, investigates the ways in which language can both take on a wide variety of meanings and lose all meaning through persistent examination and exposure.


Audience members are invited to witness an actor perform this brief speech repeatedly over the course of most of the length of the play, reciting it dozens, if not hundreds, of times. This action is accompanied by a simultaneous performed reading of Merchant in its entirety – its words acting as the container within which Shylock's speech exists.


Audience members can stay in the space for the duration of the (approximately) 2.5 hour performance or they can come and go, engaging with the event in the manner that they choose.


Created by theatre dybbuk and presented in collaboration with Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions (LACE) and the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) on March 2, 2023 in the library at the Philosophical Research Society.


The Villainy You Teach was developed as a companion piece to our show The Merchant of Venice (Annotated), or In Sooth I Know Not Why I Am So Sad, which premiered in Los Angeles on May 12, 2023 and is currently touring throughout North America. Both works explore William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice.


The Villainy You Teach has toured alongside The Merchant of Venice (Annotated), or In Sooth I Know Not Why I Am So Sad as part of our residencies program. It was performed at the Coronado Public Library as part of our San Diego Area residency on June 15,  2023, at The Contemporary Jewish Museum (The CJM) as part of our San Francisco Bay Area residency on September 10, 2023, at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education (OJMCHE) as part of our Portland, Oregon residency on October 26, 2023, and at the Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum in Washington, D.C. as part of our Baltimore, Maryland area residency on January 26, 2024. These residencies were supported in part by a grant from The Covenant Foundation.


Los Angeles Premiere

Conceived and Directed by Aaron Henne


Joe Jordan

Edgar Landa

Julie A. Lockhart

Diana Tanaka

Inger Tudor

Jon Weinberg

Keyboardist: Max Bergmanis*

Audio Support: Daniel Tator / Launch

Costume Designer: Kathryn Poppen


Conceived and Directed by Aaron Henne

Cast (Coronado, CA; San Francisco,CA; Portland, OR; Washington, D.C.):

Aaron Henne

Joe Jordan

Adam Lebowitz-Lockard

Julie A. Lockhart

Diana Tanaka

Inger Tudor

Cast (Montreal,QC):

Aaron Henne

Joe Jordan

Julie A. Lockhart

Diana Tanaka

Inger Tudor

Jonathan C.K. Williams

Keyboardist: Andrew Anderson*

Costume Designer: Kathryn Poppen

*music improvisations inspired by the compositions of Fahad Siadat

P.O. Box 292576 • Los Angeles, CA 90029 • USA

theatre dybbuk is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization

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